Optimizing time and making the most of it seems to be the key to success, but what are the efficiency rules at work that allow us to do it? Read this article and know them.
How to be More Efficient and Effective in the Work
The rules to be more efficient are not a set of rules applicable only at work, although it is the field that best suits. These are methodologies that can help us optimize the use of our time and resources in daily life, to be able to fulfill more of our pending, whether in the office, in the store, or also at home.
For the vast majority of tasks, spending more time is not what gives us the best results, but to do them with greater dedication. That is to say: we obtain better performance when we do the tasks with more efficiency, as simple as that.
These techniques should be part of the qualities of an efficient worker, or at least have them present to know what to apply in each case. Know them and put them into practice today. We also recommend improving some.
“We get better performance when we do tasks more efficiently, as simple as that.”
1. The Law of Blocks
This method invites us to divide the pending tasks into strict blocks, which will be carried out one at a time, with the maximum of energy, concentration, and resources allocated to it. In this way, we can devote ourselves better to each activity without distractions, and take advantage of the time organizing the “blocks” based on the moment in which they need to be fulfilled, or the physical and mental energies that will require us.
If you complete a task in less time than assigned, do not go to the next block, but end the time resting and renewing your energies. Therefore, initial planning will be key.
2. The Law of Energy Management
This law reminds us that our energy is the greatest resource at our disposal. Without them, we cannot accomplish the tasks nor be an efficient worker. However, it also highlights the importance of learning to dedicate the right and necessary amount, according to:
- The time required to achieve it
- The necessary physical or mental effort
- The benefit or the reward that will grant us
Knowing these three values, you can determine how much time you are going to dedicate to this task if you are going to fulfill it at 50%, 80% or 100% in that day or successive days, and even if it is worth doing.
3. The Marginal Quality Law
It is a curious name that proposes to analyze what we have to gain, in relation to applied effort. That is to say: if it is worth investing in giving that extra boost by subtracting an hour from your personal life for the working life or exhausting your muscles to receive too little reward.
“These techniques should be part of the qualities of an efficient worker, or at least have them present to know what to apply in each case.”
This rule is great for analyzing those pending tasks at the end of the day: if you do it today, with the effort that means, will tomorrow’s day help you, or could you do it tomorrow without losing time in your daily schedule?
Apply these techniques to be an efficient worker in any of your days and areas, and you will see that you achieve more goals, in less time, and with less fatigue at the end of the day.