Career Guide

CV/Resume Guide
Professional Development
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Teaching and Learning
  • Tips for Loving the Work

    We do not always have the possibility to get the job of our dreams, but that is not a reason not to be happy all the hours we spend in the office. Keys to Being Happy at Work Loving work is a task that requires commitment and perseverance, just as it can happen with a…

  • 9 Useful Gestures for Public Speaking

    Sometimes, the image communicates more than our words. Learn some very useful gestures to use in your next exhibition, in classes or during an important speech. Gestures to Reinforce the Verbal Language When the words do not seem to have the impact you are looking for, you can put into practice these 9 gestures useful for public…

  • How to be a Good Employee

    Just as you would like to have a good boss, they expect you to be good as an employee. Discover some features that you must meet. How should an employee be: 7 Characteristics An employee must have professionalism and self-control, capable of separating what happens at home with what happens in the office. In the world…

  • How to learn to be independent

    Finally, the day has come when you must walk through life making your own decisions and responsibilities. Calm, it is a state of constant learning, and of personal growth like never before. Independence begins with learning, whether it is the learning of new techniques, newer ones, more practical ones or more of ours, or learning new…

  • How to Stop Hating Your Work

    Many people hate their work, a syndrome that is well known and studied by experts in psychology. Here we tell you how to avoid it. Is it possible to stop hating work? More and more employees are looking for answers to this feeling. Every morning, when the alarm goes off, they get up in a bad way,…

  • Difficult questions in job interviews

    These are some of the most frequent difficult questions you can ask in job interviews. Review them and elaborate your personalized response. How to handle difficult questions in an interview In general, these questions tend to be of a more complicated resolution because it can be confusing, which is the orientation of the response that the interviewer expects or…

  • How to Awaken the Mind

    Learn to be smarter, mentally agile and awake, with simple changes in your daily activities. Techniques to Awaken the Mind Surely you know that to wake up the mind, to be smarter and sagacious, it is essential to eat healthily, avoid sugars and processed foods, as well as abuses of any kind. You should also practice exercises…

  • How to Answer Questions in an Exhibition

    Are you one of those who have some difficulty answering questions in public, after some presentation or when answering your exams? Then keep these tips in mind. Tips to Answer Queries in a Conference We often have to answer questions in an exhibition to clarify doubts in our audience, and although it is a fairly common situation, many exhibitors…

  • 3 Rules to Be More Efficient in the Workplace

    Optimizing time and making the most of it seems to be the key to success, but what are the efficiency rules at work that allow us to do it? Read this article and know them. How to be More Efficient and Effective in the Work The rules to be more efficient are not a set of rules applicable…

  • Tips for Finding Motivation

    If you are discouraged lately, if you lack strength and everything costs twice as much time as before, then you need to recover your motivation. How? Learn it in the next article. What to do to Recover Motivation? One day the alarm goes off and we do not feel like getting up. We do it reluctantly and when…