Example of a bad Curriculum Vitae – CV: errors that you should avoid

JobsRead Editorial Team

Example of a bad Curriculum Vitae – CV: errors that you should avoid

CV errors

Surely you have ever sent your CV to any job offer and, although initially met the requested profile, you have not stopped too much in seeing the conditions and requirements of it, so, surely, your application was discarded. From here we propose to learn from the example and we help you not to trip twice (or three) with the same stone. Do you want to know what are the main mistakes you can make when writing your cover letter or Curriculum Vitae?

Find out about the company to which you are applying for work. 
One of the points that most companies value when considering a candidate is that they have taken the trouble to find information about the job they are opting for, and demonstrate that knowledge, both through the cover letter that is usually attached to the Curriculum Vitae, as through the personal interview. It shows that you have been interested in the company, that you have not sent the CV simply for if you do and that you are motivated by the position that is offered to you. 

80% of the CVs received are discarded before the interview. 
80% of the curricula are discarded even before the candidates get to the job interview due to lack of information or bad writing, is what a statistic of the Adecco human resources group tells us, and from which we must learn that the most important thing is not only your previous experience or your training but the way in which you present that information.

Sometimes, less is more. 
Also remember that it is important to be schematic, not to give too much information, nor to fall short; try that our CV has only one side with all the information contained in it, with a correct spelling, data that correspond to reality and another point that you must not forget: all your contact data always updated, since the company does not I could contact you if you are selected for the position.

Lying is not a good idea. 
Scott Thompson, CEO of Yahoo !, resigned from his position after discovering that in his Curriculum Vitae he mentioned two degrees when in fact he only had one of them. If these are the effects caused by a lie in the Curriculum Vitae of a manager, do not even want to imagine what will happen if you are surprised inserting false information in your cover letter or CV. Logically, the first and immediate consequence will be that you will not be hired and you will lose the opportunity to opt for that position. In case the lie is discovered later, another more drastic consequence can be – as in the case that we mentioned before – that you get fired and have to face bad references in the future that will accompany you throughout your professional life.

In summary: be sincere, know the company you want to choose as a worker and write your Curriculum Vitae and your cover letter depending on the type of position you want to opt for; Be clear and concise – try to avoid spelling mistakes – and show that you are really motivated to fill that position. Good luck!

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