Articles for category: Career, Career Guide, Interviews, Technical Jobs, University Jobs

Difficult questions in job interviews

Difficult questions in job interviews

These are some of the most frequent difficult questions you can ask in job interviews. Review them and elaborate your personalized response. How to handle difficult questions in an interview In general, these questions tend to be of a more complicated resolution because it can be confusing, which is the orientation of the response that the interviewer expects or ...

How to achieve an excellent job interview

How to achieve an excellent job interview

The job interview is the most expected time for many people, and regardless of age or previous experience, exposing ourselves to this situation arouses nerves and anxieties. How to seize the opportunity The long-awaited and desired moment for a long time has finally arrived. The interview with a company that will give us the opportunity to work is the ...

Formal dress for a job interview

Choosing a formal dress for a job interview can add even more nervousness to the moment, so it is better to have it clear beforehand and that the selection does not present setbacks. How to dress formally for a job interview if you are female When you attend a meeting or job interview, it is very ...

How to Overcome a Job Interview

To overcome a job interview certain skills are required. The good news is that you can learn and practice to succeed in a situation Tips for Overcoming a Job Interview No one says it\’s easy to get over a job interview, however, it\’s not an impossible mission. More than anything you have to take care of the presentation, the ...